Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day-Part One

We had a gathering of 50 or so friends over last night for a Memorial Day Movie night. The kiddos enjoyed playing and watching 'Gnomeo and Juliette' while the adults enjoyed visiting. It was such a lovely evening! I find myself enjoying entertaining more and more as I get older. I am worrying less about the details (like dust, smudges, and lint) and more about the quality of time together with friends and family.
Just one state away during our time of fellowship, our friend's niece named Kenley fell off of a piece of playground equipment and suffered head trauma. It was a rough night for the family as she was flighted to a different hospital to undergo brain surgery to relieve the swelling. She will be in a medical-induced coma for twenty-four hours before the docs will know of the extent of the damage.
Please pray for this little girl and her family and take a few extra moments to hug your children. Because, our kiddos are what so many men and women have fought for . . .

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