Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been how long?

It was 19 years ago tonight that Nathan and I had our first date. Yep, that's a long time. I just can't wrap my mind around that number. I have known him and been "attached" to him longer than I was without him. What? :) Much to my mom's chagrin, I decided to spend the summer after my senior year of high school working as a counselor at Camp Wyldewood. It was close to home and gave me a little independence. And, it was at Camp that I met Nathan. My first real memory of Nathan was during first session when he came by the canteen to get his juice. Juice? Yep, that's why I took note of him. EVERYone else got soda of some sort. So, I started watching that guy with the amazing blue eyes and arresting smile. Come to find out, he not only watched what went into his body, he spent his hour off running . . . and, wow, what great runners' legs he had. Yes, my earliest memories are of watching him run and drink his juice. (Thankfully, Nathan doesn't have a blog and can't share his earliest memories of me!) After nineteen years, I still love the fact that he thinks about his physical health and watches what he puts into it and how he treats it. But, my list of "loves" has grown exponentially since that first date. I just love him and feel blessed that he asked ME (of all the girls at camp) out on that first date!

Take me out to the ballgame . . .

We tried to take the kids to watch the AR Travelers play baseball last summer. In true Arkansas fashion, there was a three-hour rain delay that sent us home disappointed. So, we decided to take advantage of a cool snap and Gma & Gpa Mills' visit to try again.
We had the perfect evening to watch a good game. Caleb most enjoyed Darth Vader (and company) throw out the first pitch. Baseball is NOT Caleb's passion, but he loves what he knows of Star Wars. Who knew a 30 second visit from Darth could alter C's attitude for the entire game? Ali most enjoyed the visit to the bounce houses. She loved the long climbs to the tops of each slide and the subsequent quick trip to the bottoms. I enjoyed stretching my legs after sitting in the hard stadium seating for two hours! Jon David just relished the game. In true Jon David fashion, he picked apart each and EVERY call from the umpires. He explained how he would have done the plays better or differently. He prayed for a pop-up to the first base stands so that he could take home a ball. For the most part, it was a joy to watch him thrill over the game.

It's been a crazy-busy summer thus far. This trip to the ballgame was a relaxing outing that was about JUST what summer is supposed to be . . . family in the out-of-doors enjoying a little of America's favorite pastime. What a blessing!


Nathan's parents were here several days last week. They have returned home from their time in China and plan to retire in Fredonia, KS. Our kiddos really enjoyed their time with Gma and Gpa Mills. They don't know them well as much of the last six years they have been spent overseas. It's difficult to KNOW someone with only a few days of interaction over the course of any given year. But, in spite of that, my kiddos are making lasting memories with them. From this most recent visit, I am confident they will remember the trip to watch the AR Travelers play baseball (see next post), the time spent playing loads of board games, and the adventure picking blackberries. It's always times like this that make me think of my special times with grandparents who are all deceased now. I can remember baking various things with both grandmas. I think back to picking veggies in Grandpa Jack's garden. I remember their smells (some good, some bad). I remember their mannerisms (again, some good, some bad). I cherish each memory and pray my kiddos have many more opportunities to make memories with their grandparents.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Super Heroes

I have this thing for Super Hero movies. Some of my earliest memories of movie going are of the Superman movies with Christopher Reeves. I can remember the TV series of Wonder Woman as far back as 4-5 years old. And, who could forget Saturday morning with the Justice League. I can track the heroes throughout the many phases of my life . . . So, why do I have this "thing" for them?
I believe super heroes are the knight-in-shining-armor of our modern world. I love the fact that he (sometimes she) comes in to save not only the girl but so often the town, state, or world. I love that a man can wear tights and make no apologies. I love that I ask Nathan to take me to see a movie from this genre and know that it won't be met with a groan. I love knowing that it's acceptable to many in our society for the strong (usually handsome and mysterious) guy to save and protect the girl. I am one of those girls who likes to be saved and protected! :)
So, this summer I am excited to see many new super hero movies: Thor, Green Lantern, Captain America. The reality is that I won't get to the theater to see them all on the big screen, but I assure you that my husband will MUCH more likely want to see a man in tights in these movies than a man in tights in a ballet, right?

To work or not to work . . .

With the many changes coming in my life in the fall (the big one being all the kiddos in school), I am debating going back to work or finishing my MA. It's a debate that I have played and replayed in my mind. I've weighed the pros and cons, made the lists, sought counsel, and prayed about it. And, I still don't know . . . Why would I go back to work? Provide some financial flexibility for our family again. Give myself some personal identity separate from "mom". Why should I not? Keep the extra stresses at a minimum. Maximize my availability for my family. Be THAT volunteer who is always available at school or church. So, I continue to pray for the writing on the wall. I pray that He'll provide opportunities for work that are compatible with my role as 'mom' or just gently (yes, gently please) tell me to be content in continuing my current role. To borrow from JD, "if you never go back to work, does that mean you'll always think of us kids first?" Ahhh, what he doesn't understand . . .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I think we all have them. Our insecurities may be different colors or shapes, come about for different reasons, and will manifest themselves in different ways. But, I believe we all have them. I was recently in a meeting with a man who was small in stature. As I listened to him and then heard others relate stories of their interactions with him, I labeled him as having "little person syndrome". We have all met those people who are small in stature (for which they have NO control) and see them trying to make up for it with grandiose statements or larger-than-life stories. I struggle with my own insecurity. I often deal with it by showing outward confidence that I am only in recent years learns intimidates others. I find this comical as I know that the more confident that I appear on the outside is often a direct correlation to how insecure I feel inside. Isn't that crazy? So, as I accept that I have my own insecurities with which I struggle, I am becoming more in tuned with my kiddos insecurities. I have one who is easy to spot. The child looks timid, cries, or even shudders as they try to deal with uncomfortable situations or feelings. The other two are a little more difficult to spot. One is a talker . . . I guess it also comes across as "little person syndrome". We joke that this child talks to hear themselves talk, but I suspect it has more to do with insecurity. The third child tends to become quiet and seek out alone time. As a parent, I want to help my children with their insecurities, and I certainly don't want to contribute to them. However, there is no magical answer on how to deal with them. So, I pray for them each day. When opportunity affords itself, I remind them that God will help them as they struggle. Oh what I wouldn't give to take away all of their insecurities. . .

Lazy days of summer?

Each summer, a dear friend opens her pool to my family and a few of our close friends to swim each week. Yesterday was the FIRST day of this summer tradition. I have been feeling a little under the weather, so the thought of getting in the cold water (still hovering around 60 degrees) was less than appealing. But, the kiddos loved being together and didn't seem too bothered by the water. After getting home last night from a busy day at the pool and then an evening at the ball fields, I flipped through my calendar taking a look at our summer. Whew . . . it is already crazy busy. Between base/softball & swim team practice, there are few days that are completely open. Those lazy days of basking in the sun reading books will be far and few between. How did that happen? And, from what my friends say, the older the kiddos get the crazier the schedule looks. So, we'll just hold on and enjoy the crazy ride.

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