Thursday, June 9, 2011

To work or not to work . . .

With the many changes coming in my life in the fall (the big one being all the kiddos in school), I am debating going back to work or finishing my MA. It's a debate that I have played and replayed in my mind. I've weighed the pros and cons, made the lists, sought counsel, and prayed about it. And, I still don't know . . . Why would I go back to work? Provide some financial flexibility for our family again. Give myself some personal identity separate from "mom". Why should I not? Keep the extra stresses at a minimum. Maximize my availability for my family. Be THAT volunteer who is always available at school or church. So, I continue to pray for the writing on the wall. I pray that He'll provide opportunities for work that are compatible with my role as 'mom' or just gently (yes, gently please) tell me to be content in continuing my current role. To borrow from JD, "if you never go back to work, does that mean you'll always think of us kids first?" Ahhh, what he doesn't understand . . .

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