Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been how long?

It was 19 years ago tonight that Nathan and I had our first date. Yep, that's a long time. I just can't wrap my mind around that number. I have known him and been "attached" to him longer than I was without him. What? :) Much to my mom's chagrin, I decided to spend the summer after my senior year of high school working as a counselor at Camp Wyldewood. It was close to home and gave me a little independence. And, it was at Camp that I met Nathan. My first real memory of Nathan was during first session when he came by the canteen to get his juice. Juice? Yep, that's why I took note of him. EVERYone else got soda of some sort. So, I started watching that guy with the amazing blue eyes and arresting smile. Come to find out, he not only watched what went into his body, he spent his hour off running . . . and, wow, what great runners' legs he had. Yes, my earliest memories are of watching him run and drink his juice. (Thankfully, Nathan doesn't have a blog and can't share his earliest memories of me!) After nineteen years, I still love the fact that he thinks about his physical health and watches what he puts into it and how he treats it. But, my list of "loves" has grown exponentially since that first date. I just love him and feel blessed that he asked ME (of all the girls at camp) out on that first date!


  1.'s been how long? Wow! I do remember the juice and the running, and quickly and deeply you two fell in love. God was working on great plans that day and your new changes in life are just some of the great things He has used that first date to fullfill!



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