Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lazy days of summer?

Each summer, a dear friend opens her pool to my family and a few of our close friends to swim each week. Yesterday was the FIRST day of this summer tradition. I have been feeling a little under the weather, so the thought of getting in the cold water (still hovering around 60 degrees) was less than appealing. But, the kiddos loved being together and didn't seem too bothered by the water. After getting home last night from a busy day at the pool and then an evening at the ball fields, I flipped through my calendar taking a look at our summer. Whew . . . it is already crazy busy. Between base/softball & swim team practice, there are few days that are completely open. Those lazy days of basking in the sun reading books will be far and few between. How did that happen? And, from what my friends say, the older the kiddos get the crazier the schedule looks. So, we'll just hold on and enjoy the crazy ride.

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